Our evil army of morgoth
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Here are the current evil army of morgoth:

We haven't yet reached our goal infact we hardly  have anything at all but everyone has to start somewhere by the way in the descriptions N.O.V.R.T.S stands for number of visitors required to summon, at the moment we have:

2 evil goblins

1 cave troll

2 uruk-hai captians

and believe it or not that's all the evil army we have at the moment

About the evil minoins!


The Orc

they aren't particularly powerful but in numbers they're virtually unstopable
Uruk-hai captain

These tough dudes don't take no messin' so we need some to command the orcs plus they make great warriors so keep 'em coming


Mighty Balrog!

This one of the ultimate creatures of our army with the power of fire at it's command. The orcs don't care about thier own lives niether do they feel afraid of the enemy they fear the balrog far moreand the only thing that stands a chance is the pathetic "wizards"gandalf and saruman so come on people lets start visiting our site
