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The Nintendo DS

The nintendo ds is the most antisipated handheld of the last 5 years it is expected to sell over 1 million units vin the first week and (according to shops) half will be preordered. The ds ships with a host of games including Zelda and the one i'm most pleased about ... MARIO!!. The best thing about the ds is the touch screen and the (kinda obviously) two screens.

The d.s will retial at £99.99 this includes a demo of metroid prime Hunter. Personally i can't wait.

The info

<marquee>Top Selling PC Games</marquee>

1.Half life 2

2.Doom 3

3.Sims 2

4.Rome: total war

5.Hitman contracts

6.M.O.H Passific assult

7.Zoo tycoon 2

8.rollercoaster tycoon 3

9.Battle for middle earth



tThe P.S.P - ps2 graphics but thats all that going for it!! (in my opinion)